
“For me, Moms on Target is the long-lost village that we hear people talk about but never really experienced. I’ve made multiple friendships and connections that I know will last because we’re all here for the same thing. We just want to be better moms and in all the different ways this can look for us, MOT seems to cover them effortlessly. This nonprofit has given local moms support, opportunities to learn, and community. We’re all becoming ‘Moms On Target’.”

— Kaitlin K.

“Before the Valentine’s Day party, I hadn’t left the house or been around other adults (aside from very immediate family) in YEARS. No exaggeration. I don’t make it to a lot but just pushing myself to go was life-changing for me and brought me back to a social life and back to a journey of finding myself again.”

— Jenna P.

“I have watched Moms on Target grow from its inception and can testify to the heart behind it. Jesse Coontz is the real deal; her passion, purpose, and drive provide Moms with practical resources to help raise children in healthy environments and communities with others on the same journey. Her life is the most incredible offering of turning pain into a God-given purpose; she is an inspiration to everyone who has the privilege of knowing her. Moms on Target has inspired so many; I have watched this ministry help Moms in all seasons navigate daily challenges, including my own family.”

— Debbie R.

“Moms On Target is a group of real women navigating motherhood and life together. This is a group that will rally behind you for the good times when you got it all together and carry you through the tough times because we all know how life goes. We all hit hard times and knowing there are others that will jump into action and offer a real helping hand, and a listening ear while sincerely praying you through your trials is awesome.

— Carla F.

“When I joined Moms on Target two years ago, I was feeling very isolated and alone in general and especially as a mom. One of my closest mom friends had just passed away unexpectedly in a horrible accident, my daughter had just been diagnosed with autism and was having issues at school, I was having some issues in my personal life and I just felt so lost and disconnected from everything. Finding this community that welcomed me was such a blessing. The way we accept each other’s differences while connecting in our common experiences as moms- it’s so special and unique. There isn’t judgement, everyone is supportive and welcoming- it’s just really cool to see everyone come together and be able to build such great supportive friendships. All you have to do is show up and then this community will definitely show up for you.”

— Annie T.

“Super supportive group of women for all the tough questions and seasons of life. It takes a village of moms to help a mom be great!”

— Katie S.

“I love the ladies in Moms On Target. They are such good friends.”

— Ruth P.

“I am at the grandma level. I haven't attended any in-person events yet. I love learning new ways moms today are raising their kids”

— Alice T.

“I love how I was able to meet other moms through Moms on Target. This community is a great place to get advice, support, and to gain connections”

— Jess R.